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High-performing teams include members with qualified skills.

Develop a team of proficient managers in Engineering, Maintenance, Reliability, and Supervising by partnering with AFE to credential multiple facility professionals.

The Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) has developed a program by which companies or organizations may offer their facilities professionals the opportunity to verify their knowledge in engineering, maintenance, or supervising and receive one of AFE’s industry recognized credentials to provide professional development and advancement as an employer.

Option 1: Essentials Online

  1. The Employer’s facility professionals will apply for their preferred credential program CPE, CPMM, CPS to the AFE office.
  2. Once the application is approved, the AFE office will send the applicant a hard copy book to the address of their choice and provide the applicant with secure access to AFE SmartTeams LMS to begin studying the online modules of the program to prepare for the examination.
  3. After all modules are complete, and the applicant sends written or verbal confirmation that they are prepared for the exam, the AFE office will send a secure link to take the examination online.
  4. The exam must be completed in the time allotted with no pauses or breaks. The exam will be graded upon submission.
  5. With a passing score the applicant will receive a certificate of designation in the mail and via email.
This option is great for companies that want to offer continued education to their employees to take advantage of when it best fits in the individual employee’s schedule and career path with little to no additional work or duties for the Employer’s administrative staff.

Option 2: Premium Online

  1. The Employer’s facility professionals will apply for their preferred credential program CPE, CPMM, CPS to the AFE office.
  2. Once the application is approved, the AFE office will send the Applicant a hard copy book to the address of their choice and provide the applicant with secure access to AFE SmartTeams LMS to begin studying the online modules of the program to prepare for the examination.
  3. After all modules of the AFE SmartTeams LMS are complete the AFE office will send the Applicant date and time options to participate in an Online Review Session with an AFE certified instructor. This is a three-day comprehensive review of all the modules with expanded visual aids and learning opportunities for the Applicant.
  4. Once the Applicant has completed the AFE SmartTeams LMS the exam must be completed in the time allotted with no pauses or breaks. The exam will be graded upon submission.
  5. With a passing score the applicant will receive a certificate of designation in the mail and via email.

Option 3: Deluxe Online & In-Person

  1. The Employer chooses their preferred credential program CPE, CPMM, CPS to offer their employees.
  2. The Employer will send us a contact list for group of employees that will take the credential program and the AFE office will handle the application process for with each of the employees.
  3. Once all selected employees have submitted applications, the AFE office will send the Applicant a hard copy book to the address of their choice and provide the applicant with secure access to AFE SmartTeams LMS to begin studying the online modules of the program.
  4. The Employer and AFE will choose three days to hold in-person review session and training for the group of applicants approximately 40-60 days from the day the group is provided study materials. AFE will provide an AFE Certified Instructor to conduct a three-day in-person review and training session of all the modules with expanded visual aids and learning opportunities for the Applicants.
  5. The second half of the third day will be reserved for the exam. The exams will be proctored by the AFE Certified Instructor and will be sent to the AFE Office after completion for scantron grading.
  6. With a passing score the applicant will receive a certificate of designation in the mail and via email.

Contact AFE today about our Industry Partner Program.

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