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national committee center


The Association for Facilities Engineering® is a National and International organization for Facility Professionals in Maintenance and Engineering to come together and learn from each other, lead among one another, and influence the industry. AFE provides an online platform for members accross the world to collaborate through AFE National Committees. Learn more about our National Committees and start volunteering today! All AFE Committees require attendees and participants to be a Verified Member of AFE. Contact if you are uncertain about your membership status. AFE Committees collaborate and meet on Microsoft Teams. You do not need to have a microsoft account of any type to participate.


Upcoming committee meetings





Upcoming Events

Apply to lead a committee 

Leadership Application


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FIrst tuesday @ 1pm cst

Join us to discuss AFE membership benefits and assist with new and renewing membership outreach!


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Second Wednesday @ 1pm CST

Join AFE Leaders in reviewing and creating professional development opportunities for facility members.


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First tuesday @ 9:30 AM CST

Get involved in creating new event opportunities for AFE Members and Chapters accross the nation.


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Become a member of the Marketing Committee and collaborate with National Staff and Volunteers to discover innovative and entertaining methods for sharing the AFE message with diverse audiences. The Chair of this committee will earn a seat on the National Board of Directors and will provide quarterly progress updates to the Board.


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Join the Youn Engineering Professionals (YEP) committee to create tailored programs and opportunities for graduating students and newcomers in the facility industry. The Chair of this committee will hold a position on the National Board of Directors and will be responsible for providing quarterly updates on the committee's progress.

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Become part of the WAC to support women in facility maintenance, engineering, and management roles. The Chair of this committee serves on the National Board of Directors and is tasked with providing quarterly updates on the committee's progress to the National Board.


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Aim to obtain a position on the National Council to represent an industry within Facility Maintenance, Engineering, and/or Management. Open roles include Industry Representatives for various sectors such as Manufacturing, Retail, Healthcare, Aerospace, Pharmaceuticals, Distribution Centers, Data Centers, Assisted Living Facilities, Education, Government, Sports/Entertainment, and more. Furthermore, the Chair of this council will also serve on the National Board of Directors, providing quarterly progress reports to the board.


 Join Council


Become a member of one of AFE's most significant committees. The ISL Committee is tasked with the monthly oversight and reporting of updates concerning Industry Standards and Licensing across various disciplines related to maintenance, management, and engineering in facilities. The Chair of this Committee will hold a position on the National Board of Directors and will be responsible for providing quarterly progress reports during the National Board of Directors Meetings.

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Secure a position on the National Council to serve as a representative for one association within the industry. Each association's representative will be responsible for managing the partnership and exploring opportunities for collaboration, support, and mutual enhancement of missions. Representatives will provide monthly updates and information about their respective associations to the Chair. The Chair of this council will also be a member of the National Board of Directors, compiling a summary of the monthly committee meetings into a quarterly report to present to the National Board.

 Join Council


Become a member of the AFE Charity Foundation committee and contribute to raising funds for scholarships. These scholarships are awarded each year to individuals pursuing training, certifications, and degrees in facility management, engineering, maintenance, or other related fields. The Chair of this committee will secure a position on the National Board of Directors and provide a quarterly summary of the committee's activities to the National Board.

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Become a member of the AFE International Affairs Committee, where you'll work alongside our international chapters and credentialing organizations to keep AFE Headquarters informed about global issues related to facilities maintenance, engineering, and management. The Chair of this Committee will secure a position on the National Board of Directors andprovide a quarterly summary of the committee's activities to the National Board.


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Apply to lead a committee 

Leadership Application